Celebrating the industry's long heritage with the Hairdresser's Guild

Celebrating the industry's long heritage with the Hairdresser's Guild
Posted in: Hair, Company

The new ‘museum area’ is the rather lovely themed new informal meeting room for Head Office. Set on the left as you walk into the building, you’re immediately struck by the three striking robes on tailor’s mannequins behind a glass wall. Looking further in you can see cabinets full of trophies and some intruiging items that will be mounted on the walls, including a sword! Happily this is fastened securely to a mounting so prevent anyone recreating scenes from ‘Gladiator’! These items are the trophy and collectibles archive from the Incorporated Guild of Hairdressers, Wigmakers and Perfumers, known to everyone as the “Hairdressers’ Guild’. Oliver was approached by Keith Conniford, the Registrar of The Hairdressing Council. After a few conversations, we decided to use the old marketing office as a display area for the Guild memorabilia.

The Hairdresser’s Guild was incorporated in 1900 and closed down a year ago. It organised training and competitions regionally and winners went on to be some of the most famous names in hairdressing. The trophies show just how active the Guild was – there are several regional cups for hairdressing competitions, gavels for local area meetings, national and international shields and trophies, a ‘Motor Rally Trophy’ and, of course, the gowns of office worn by the Master of the Guild and other officers. If you look through the engraving on the cups you can find one of the first competitions that Vidal Sassoon won!

We are very pleased to be able to display these items in an approachable and relaxed setting. It’s a reminder of our industry’s long heritage; as one of the oldest suppliers in the industry with our own origins through Mr Aston in 1929, it’s fitting that we showcase both the latest and best in our flagship store and also the heritage of today’s hairdressers.


Aston & Fincher Museum Progress
Aston & Fincher Museum Build


Aston & Fincher Museum
Aston & Fincher Museum
1 year ago
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